That's the first thing that caught my eye when I clicked over to a site called "Web Design for Idiots," a site I clicked to for two reasons: First, I want to know more about web design, and second, I'm kind of an idiot when it comes to these things. Everything I know about web design so far I've had to teach myself, and here is what I learned since I first started a blog back in 2005:
I can type things into my blog.
So when I found out about
About Web Design for Idiots and begin reading through there, I was expecting a lot of technical jargon and HTML and OSC and XIRLRDKR (I made that up typing randomly. That's another thing I can do, web-design-wise.)
But it's not that, not at all. True, there are technical terms, but it's pretty hard, I guess, to talk about web design and NOT use technical terms. And around all the technical terms are blog entries and articles and pages that give actual good advice on web design.
Like the article on "dunking your splash page," which caught my eye because, well, I had no idea what it might be about. I didn't know if "dunking" was a web design term, and what a "splash page" might be. So I read the article, and learned that a "splash page" is that annoying first page of a website where you have to sit through a bunch of animated garbage before you get to enter a website -- and I learned, too, why it's not a good thing to have a splash page (which is good, because I was thinking I would have to have one even though I hate them, and now I know I don't need one and it's better if I don't.)
What I liked most of all, though, was that the article was written not for idiots -- catchy as the title of the site is -- but written instead for people like me, who are smart, and all, but who don't know the first thing about websites and web design. In a few quick paragraphs, the author set me straight on what a splash page is and why it's a bad thing and also threw in a bunch of other information, like how search engines work and why splash pages mess you up for them.
You can look right on the web design for idiots main page website tutorials to find the topics you're interested in, or click around to get your web design questions answered by web design for idiots, or just browse through the site to find well-written, interesting, and informative articles that'll get you going on web designing and make you more informed about what you're doing on the Internet.
The site can can even teach you to teach yourself oscommerce for newbies oscommerce file structure -- whatever that is; I began browsing it and bookmarked it for future reference. I plan on going back to that site more and more.

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